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The 2019 Seminar on Setting up Business Center and Investment Promotion for Developing Countries was officially launched in Beijing
时间:2019-07-01      来源:中国商业股份制企业经济联合会


On June 25, 2019, the 2019 Seminar on Setting up Business Center and Investment Promotion for Developing Countries, sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce and co-organized by the Academy for International Business Officials (AIBO), and Economic Joint Committee of China Commercial Stock Enterprises (EJCCCSE), held its opening ceremony in Beijing. A total of 23 participants of the seminar were government officials from nine countries including Albania, Laos, Mauritius and Sri Lanka.
The picture of seminar officials and Chinese representatives
This seminar has adopted a variety of teaching modes to enrich the curriculum structure and provide opportunities for students from all over the world to understand the construction and investment management of China's business centers. The training courses of the seminar include classroom lectures, corporate exchanges, visits and field research. After two days of classroom lectures, the participants of the seminar were invited to Beijing Fengtai District on June 28 to visit Jimei Holding Group Co., Ltd. Accompanied by Mr. Zhao Jianguo, the chairman of the group, and Ms. Zhao Jin, the CEO of the group, the students first visited the Jimei furniture display area, then watched the corporate videos, and then held an exchange of experiences.
The picture of seminar officials and representatives from Jimei Holding Group

At the exchange forum, CEO Ms. Zhao Wei, on behalf of Jimei Holding Group Co., Ltd, expressed her warm welcome for the arrival of the seminar officials. The full communication between the chairman of the group, Mr. Zhao Jianguo and the officials further deepened the participants' sense of recognition for Jimei Holding Group, corporate culture and business model identity, in addition, they extended appreciation for company's home market and building materials market, and in detail the company's measures in balancing building materials and environmental protection.
Chairman of the group introduce basic information and exchange experience

After the meeting, the participants said that the visit was very fruitful. In the following time, they will further think about and comprehend what they have seen and heard, and explore the road to local economic development based on their national conditions. This corporate visit will not only help China and foreign countries learn from each other, but also effectively promote friendly exchanges and cooperation between China and foreign countries. In the end, both parties expressed their willingness to deepen exchanges and further establish cooperative relationships.



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